Sleeve patch of the cadet of 242 Educational Center for Paratroopers(VDV).
Currently the 242 Educational Center for Paratroopers is located near the city of Omsk in the Russian
Federation. The history of this educational institution begins in the 1961. Since than this
center has educated professionals in more than 50 different specialties. Almost
every third student of the center has passed the “survive and win” test of the
institution. The “survive and win” is not only a test for the paratroopers but
also is a source of pride for passing this test means becoming a member of
the brotherhood of paratroopers(VDV). Falcon carrying a sword is an old Slavic symbol of strength, bravery,
and courage which takes it ancestry from Rurik and his symbol – Rarog.
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Item number: #80305

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