Sleeve Patch for Samara State Aerospace University.

Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolyov is
one of the leading academic institutions of Russian Federation. There are over
10500 students studying at SSAU ten faculties, at branches in Togliatty and
Novokuibyshevsk on day-time, part-time and correspondence education in 27
specialities. The university has more than 700 teachers, including 64
academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
and other academies, about 120 doctors of science, professors; about 450
candidates of science…learn more.

Price: $5.95

Item number: #80326

Sleeve Patch for Samara State Aerospace University.

Shipping is only $4.95 on all domestic orders!

That includes US and US territories.

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